
Franz Renner

Everything was just more SS
Ruth Deutschmann
Benjamin Epp
St. Nikolaus
Sylvia Manning - Baumgartner
Nicole D´Incecco
I always thought well as sick and small, and always returned. Ostia is hopefully gone so very small. First, I was always put back by my illness, not retarded. And at the very end it has received a close, I thought to myself, "Pfüat ie God", now they have - everything was in the SS Everything was just more of the SS then I am - are there - are there already deserterti. . since remained. I have met them myself then. What should I do now, I say, not more, and that I should go to? The father has not felt - my father has thought still, this is it - does not go in Germany. Yes, and then, boy! Yes, it's probably all passed smoothly, thank God. Was your mother the same opinion as the father? Yes, her mother - long already. But when she then saw - a mother was a deeply religious person - .. that have no God, as it has probably been averted. But the father, the father, who has remained even in his opinion. So, he is already in the church we all went, but he has not believed that since everything vanishes, which he hath not believed in good. - Yes, yes.